N头条>英语词典>cry off翻译和用法

cry off

英 [kraɪ ɒf]

美 [kraɪ ɔːf]

变卦; 取消诺言; 打退堂鼓


  • PHRASAL VERB 变卦;取消诺言;打退堂鼓
    If youcry off, you tell someone that you cannot do something that you have agreed or arranged to do.
    1. Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.


  • In the worst days of preparation for the exam, I waked up by nightmare and fell into cry, but after that I had to wipe off tears and go to classroom for daily study.
  • And they cannot cry to let off their panic.
  • The emotionally incontinent exhibitionists who cry when they are kicked off talent shows such as The X Factor are not grown men, for example.
  • He will pass by your door with his clear cry, and you shall fling open your window, cast off your veil, come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny.
  • We can cry and get off speeding fines.
  • If I cry one tear for my daddy, I stole it off a crocodile.
  • Sometimes the energy release of a good laugh, or a good cry, can also take the edge off.
  • My house is more than two months, when babies do not eat milk, milk powder to cry, I cut off the milk, breast-fed her light, enough to eat a few days ago, less than a week had enough breast milk.
  • Just because I don't cry, doesn't mean my heart won 't.Just because I come off strong doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.
  • The hue and cry going off to the Hulks, and people coming thence to examine the iron, Joe's opinion was corroborated.